I can't exactly fight a war with a big smile on my face


Welcome to the fanlisting portion of Aldebaran, dedicated to the character Athrun Zala from the anime series Gundam SEED and its sequel Gundam SEED DESTINY, created by Sunrise, Inc. with story by Morosawa Chiaki.

Athrun is one of the main characters in the series, taking the narrative antagonist role for most of Gundam SEED, and a more protagonist-like role in Gundam SEED DESTINY. He fights for the ZAFT faction for most of the series, and wears his the iconic red uniform. Most of his narrative is driven by his own doubts on his conflicting role in the war between PLANTs and Earth, and the real reason he's fighting.

Last updated on 13 Oct 2024   ⁘   263 (+0) fans   ⁘   Powered by Enthusiast

This fanlisting is approved and listed at The Anime Fanlistings Network. If you are a fan of the character Athrun Zala, please consider joining the fanlisting and adding your name to the list of fans.

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A fanlisting is a fan-made site that collects a list of fans for a particular subject. Members who join have the option to link back with "code" image buttons, or just text links. Anime and manga related subjects are listed and regulated by the volunteers of The Anime Fanlistings Network and everything else falls under the control of The Fanlistings Network.